Monday, August 21, 2017

Thursday, July 13, 2017

I have not posted in a long time, sorry not sorry.

I was recently asked about how to deal with plagiarism, honestly I have no idea as I do not concern myself with such matters.

When I first started this blog the idea was to gather all the information I wished I had access to when going to school for welding in one place. NONE of the content in this blog is my own.

This blog generates no money for me as it was not my goal. This is not to say I couldnt use money I just wanted a resource that anyone who wanted to search for could find.

I have strived to post links and pack as much information into one place as possible. Please use this resource any way you like. It was built for me origonally as a school project and grew from there.

Thank you for paging in.

                                                                     HAPPY WELDING...